The HEAT 2016 fall swim clinic starts on October 16th.
Please go to the HEAT website to register – this is for HEAT members only.
HEAT Fall Swim Series
Sundays 10:30 – Noon
St. Joe’s October 16th – December 11th
Week 1: 10/16
Warm up/Series Overview – Introductions – Vin/Jeff
Pace Clock, Circle swimming and pool etiquette (1 on 1 video option TBA)
Timed Swim: 100, 200 & 300 – groups of 4, one per lane (lanes 5 & 6 continue training)
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 700 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 1700 yards, Lanes 5 & 6 = 2000 yards
Week 2: 10/23
Warm up/Session Overview
Instruction/Demo: 5 Swim Basics, Streamlines, Dolphin (optional), Surge to Surface
Focus – 5 Swim Basics, Streamlines
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1000 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 2100, Lanes 5 & 6 = 2600
Week 3: 10/30
Warm up/Session Overview
Instruction Demo: Flip turns (choice offered), rollovers, 4 types, and sighting
Focus – Open Water Sightings, Buoy Turns
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1200 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 2500 yards, Lanes 5 & 6 = 2900 yards
Week 4: 11/6
Warm up/Session Overview
Timed Swim: 100, 200 & 300 – groups of 4, one per lane (lanes 5&6 continue training)
Focus- Open Water Sightings, Buoy turns, Rollovers, and rest
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1200 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 2500, Lanes 5 & 6 = 3000 yards
Week 5: 11/13
Warm up/Session Overview
Instruction Demo: Open Water Racing Skills – Sighting, Buoy Turns, Drafting, Dolphin Dives, Continued Stroke Work
Group Training Choice – Wind Sprints, Threshold, passing skills while circling
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1500 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 2800 yards, Lanes 5 & 6 = 3400 yards
Week 6: 11/20
Warm up/Session Overview
Instruction/Demo: Mass Start, Panic reduction – Jump ins, Dolphin Dives, Paired & Mirror Swimming Demo
Group Training Choice – Practice Mass Starts, Drafting, Buoy Turns – 2 groups – wind spirits
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1500 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 3000 yards, Lanes 5 & 6 = 3600 yards
Week 7: 12/4
Warm up/Session Overview
Instruction/Demo: Mental Toughness/Inner Warrior/Pebble in Shoe & Broken Goggle Syndrome/Power Burst Finishes
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1600 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 3500 yards, Lanes 5 & 6 = 4000 yards
Week 8: 12/11
Warm up/Session Overview, any questions/suggestions for Jeff
Instruction/Demo: Snake Drill & Finish Demo
Timed Swim: 100, 200 & 300 – groups of 4, one per lane (lanes 5 & 6 continue training)
Workouts: Lanes 1 & 2 = 1500 yards, Lanes 3 & 4 = 3000 yards, Lanes 5 & 6 = 3500 yards
Final: Group Snake Drill and Finish – Acknowledge New Friends, continued training with peers, See you at the spring clinic in March!
To download a printable copy of the overview – click >>HERE<<
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